Satisfying Our Longing for Beauty: A Visit with Two Local Artists
"We can at any rate say that beauty arouses a hunger and a longing which is never satisfied in this world." -- J.B. Phillips
Our living room played host to an art show last week. It was a modest affair by the standards of the art world, but a worthwhile show nonetheless. Back in May, our youngest daughter -- a budding artist
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Clockwise, from top-left, paintings by... Piet Mondrian, (Unknown); Matisse; Picasso, Picaasso, Picasso; Seurat, Lichtenstein, Picasso, Unknown, and Warhol. |
Incidentally, this hasn't been our first brush with art this summer; during our vacation to Washington DC and to New York City, our family made visits to several art museums, including the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Smithsonian National Art Gallery (you can see a few of our favorite paintings above). It was an enriching -- if sometimes challenging -- experience wading into the waters of creative expression. Kids don't always "get" art -- and neither do adults, for that matter. At one point, as we strolled through the exhibit of American Modernist paintings at the Met, the consensus from our family was, "I could paint that!" and "That really doesn't seem like art!"
The church hasn't always been kind to the art community either. For many among the Christian community, art has long been viewed with a measure of suspicion -- it's often judged as superfluous or elitist at best, or as an expression of left-wing ideology, or a gateway to idolatry at worst. The exception has long been "Christian Art" -- art that portrays some element of the Christian story. Just ask a Christian
Self-Portrait (Rembrandt) |
The truth of the matter is that the church needs artists -- and in fact, the world needs good artists. And while Christians have a profound opportunity to influence the broader culture through the use of their artistic talents, Christians do this best not when they paint "Christian" paintings (or write "Christian" music, or produce "Christian" plays or movies, or author "Christian books...) but when they do their work well. What do I mean by that -- and how does good art influence our culture?
In his book Culture Care, Makoto Fujimara makes a compelling case that art (and although Fujimara himself is a painter, he includes all manner of arts) is a means of culture care -- it is a means by which the artist uses her authority (for more on the idea of authority, see my write-up of Andy Crouch's book The Strong and the Weak) in order to cause the broader culture to flourish. But don't listen to my definition; hear Fujimara's: "[Culture Care] is to provide care for our culture's soul, to bring our culture our bouquet of flowers so that reminders of beauty -- both ephemeral and enduring -- are present in even the harshest environments where survival is at stake."
In other words, the purpose of art isn't limited to illustrating biblical concepts (a purpose that would severely limit the skills of artists) but it is to bring beauty into a world that is fraught with ugliness: the ugliness of broken relationships, the ugliness of greed, the ugliness of corruption, the ugliness of pride, and hostility -- the ugliness that the Christian vocabulary terms sin. Against this backdrop, artists contribute a glimpse of beauty that can sustain the soul wearied by the ugliness of a fallen world.
How? In his short work Art and the Bible, Francis Schaffer makes the case that as human beings made in God's image, we are designed to experience and delight in beauty. After all, God is the original artist. Fujimara builds on this idea and goes as far as saying that "God created a world he did not need because he is an artist." Did you get that? Art is necessary precisely because it is not necessary! God is not utilitarian -- when he creates, He does not do so only with an eye for usefulness; he creates with the unnecessary element of beauty. Beauty, in other words, is a reflection of God's character -- and as people who bear God's image, we are made to experience, enjoy, and replicate beauty.
Self-Portrait (Van Gogh) |
Christian worldview. Francis Schaeffer wrote of the "Major and Minor themes" of the Christian life -- our art, he argues, will not shy away from expressing the ugliness of sin in our world. We will grapple with it, express it, lament it, grieve over it -- but, he goes on, this minor theme must be supplanted by the major theme of hope that is ours because of the gospel. (Here, it's important to note that Schaffer makes a point of distinguishing between an artist's piece and her portfolio, reminding us that while each individual piece may not express that hope, the portfolio of work should arc towards that hope). Artists: Lift our hearts and minds to the heavens, and help us see the beauty of God as it is reflected in this world! You have a profound opportunity to speak into this world a message that cannot otherwise be communicated.
Bathsheba at Her Bath (Chiari) |
Finally -- and more philosophically -- weave the threads between the work of the artist, and the span of
Isaac blessing Jacob (van den Eekhout) |
God did not simply leave his Son in death and decay. No, he's much too good an artist for that. His design was to transform ugliness into beauty. He did this first with the body of his Son, raising Jesus from the dead and giving him a glorious resurrection body more beautiful than anything we can imagine. (quoted in Art for God's Sake)
Perhaps another way to see this is that our longing for beauty is ultimately satisfied in the beauty of the gospel. Artists, then, can play an invaluable part in this sad world -- offering a glimpse not just of what is, but of what will be. Mako Fujimara puts it memorably: "The biblical vision for the flourishing of our lives, lived fully under God's love, includes the beautiful. This is what we long for."
Earlier this summer, I took two of my kids on a stroll through Pioneer Cemetery -- a local cemetery which, as the name suggests, is the final resting place for the first European settlers of our area. The headstones are old -- dating back over a century. Yet blooming amidst the plots of decay, we found early summer wildflowers peeking up, coloring scenery that would have otherwise been little more than a reminder of death and mortality. Beauty among ashes. That's what good art does. It injects the truth of beauty into a world badly needing an encounter with the beautiful.
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